Saturday, January 2, 2010

幸福的第1站; Welcome 2010!

365 days of 2009 has finally ended.

Self-reflection of 2009;
2009 has been a relatively stressful year as I'd been facing pressures from O's level. Carrying the expectations from my friends and family, I ought to had work even harder.

To be honest with, I'd not been studying much, not even half of what others are doing. Though teachers has been emphasizing to us that O's level require a lot of hard work, and that the fact that if you're not mentally and physically prepared, don't bothered coming back to Secondary 5. Knowing that, I ignored it.

Initially, I did work hard for it. I promised myself at the start of the year to play hard, study hard, strive hard to achieve the best results I could ever get in order not to disappoint anyone. Yet it's kind of disturbing and disappointing to say, I've lost the interest somehow in between the periods. Grades fall and nothing seems to improve.

I realize education sure is a very important and essential thing in life. Without a proper certificate, it's hard to succeed in life no matter where you go. Yet knowing that, I'd still been spending my entire time using my computer, surfing nets, playing games.

Even my interest in Art fade gradually..

Ya ya, I know, whatever I say now are probably futile since O's are already over.. But I'd to admit the fact that not only am I poor at time management.. lazy.. and stubborn.. I'd totally neglected my studies.

And yeah, I always end up regretting. Somehow I really miss Secondary school life now after working..

Those pictures seems so nostalgic.

If time were to rewind now, I think I wouldn't want to return back to Secondary 5 in the first place. Without the heart to study, returning back is just a.. joke.. like seriously.

2009 has made me mature quite a lot too. I'd learnt that things that every single thing that we've quarrels so far are really tiny matters if you look at a bigger perspective. I understand that each and everyone of them has their own opinions and views and it's certainly rude to force them to accept mine.

I remembered vividly when I was in Secondary 2, someone told me before, you'll find your best friends in your Secondary school life, friends that you could entrust your secrets to.

And yes, I kinda agree that Secondary school friends is the best you could ever have.

This year, I've found many good friends back too. Friends that used to hang out with, laugh with, share secrets with. I know things will never be as good as before as scars will always remain no matter what, but it's my duty as a friend to mend it back perfectly. I entered this school with no regrets and now, I'm proud to say I've leave this school with no regrets too.

Also, I would like to apologize to those friends I've neglected this year due to my studies.. And it's certainly surprisingly to received Happy Birthday messages from them on my birthday. It made me felt guilty and felt that I've failed miserably as a friend. But yeah, still, thanks to those who bothered to wish me a Happy Birthday via sms via FB via friendster via tagged. Shall not name out since it might really consume a lot of time.

Family has been very understanding too though sometime they fond to be irritating. Perhaps because I've been busy with my own stuffs, I can't be bothered with these miscellaneous stuffs. Things that they have been nagging and reminding me about, I'd always understand it's for my own good. In case you're unaware, I'm those type of person that knows what to do and what not to in the right time and in the right place. I stand in my perspective and I can be very stubborn in a way.

Who don't love their family? I do.

That kinda remind me of work. Everytime when I goes to work... he'll have to complain. Though I treat him like a mentor, like a dad, sometimes I really can't stand him. Hopefully in 2010, that uncle will learn how to shut up cause I swear it'll be a miracle and I'll be very glad.... Like wowwww man.

Guess which month sucks most uh?
It's December. Surprisingly eh?

That's the month where my birthday lies on it yet nothing seems alright to me. In this particular unlucky month, I've spoilt my lappy, watch, spectacles, ipod in total. I overslept for work.. When I tried to take the escalator, the escalator stopped half-way through. I wanted to have buffet on my birthday but everywhere seems booked and best still, one of the shop has closed down. I know I has probably said this lots and lots of time but I just felt that this unluckiness is never-ending.

BUT WHO CARES WHEN 2009 IS OVER!? I'm so glad!

Now I'm really looking forward for my luck to change! If not I can really go fuck myself.

I hope 2010 will be a better year, regards to studies, career, family or romance. 2010, prease bring me luck, prease prease!

2010 resolution.

  • Earn more money
  • Make more new friends (Hopefully long-lasting one)
  • Become a more understandable, reliable and responsible person
  • Change my bad temper, attitude and stop my sacarsm
  • Stop complaining! (About life and be sastify with what I've got)
  • Do kind deeds (I make my sis wanna LOL)
  • Stop meddlings with others affairs (Not unless they really need my help)
  • Stay vibrant, positive, cheerful, polite and always laugh all the time!
  • Make my surrounding friends laugh and feel comfortable when they're with me
  • Hope to be there for anyone anytime, anywhere, any place!
  • Develop a sense of fashion awareness and keep up to its trend (I make my sister LOL once again)
  • Eat more, workout and train to get rid of this scrawny body!
  • Salvage all those friendships that I've broken

I will strive hard to achieve my resolution though sis and bro said that it's impossible.

They say I should in fact, set realistic aim rather than setting these unrealistic aims.
That really kind of hurt my heart you know.....

There's nothing impossible! Strive hard and you will see the results.
DILLON. T guarantee you!

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